Friday, February 8, 2008

Flashback Friday...6's Friday again. This week was kind of crazy because both Wednesday and Thursday felt like Friday to me *shrug*

Anyway, this week's theme Flashback Friday is a tree...

When I was in kindergarten I ate some fruit and set the seeds out to dry. I swore it was apple seeds. I planted them in a little pot and put it outside to grow. Well, the only place outside where our cat wouldn't mess with it was on top of the grill. Then one day the wind came sweeping down the plain as it tends to do in Oklahoma and knocked the pot off the grill, smashing it to pieces. I was so sad because that week some little green sprouts had begun to grow which mom and dad said were only grass. I was almost in tears while I picked up some of the larger chunks of dirt, hoping I was getting the ones with the seeds. I put them in another pot and eventually the green sprouts began to grow again...and turned into a plant. Here is a photo of my two trees 4 years, and one more transplant, after they were planted...

The odd thing about my tree is how shiny the leaves are and that it has GIANT thorns. Because of it being so shiny we have pretty much determined that it is a citrus tree...not apple. I can still remember saving apple seed though...but who knows, I probably saved lots of seeds back then. So because of it being citrus we put my tree outside in the summer and bring it back in when it gets cold. It's getting really difficult to do that though since it is in a ReaLLy large pot now and is tall enough to touch the ceiling, and when taken outside for the summer it will grow about two feet, then we have to cut it off to bring it back in. Wow...this story is getting longer then intended, so I'll cut to the chase. My trees (there is in fact two growing very close together) reside in my parents' bedroom now that I'm at school. They water it most of the time and it has yet to bear any fruit :( But here's what it looks like these days...


Very Mary said...

WOW! Tree indeed!

Courtney said...

They aren't planning on taking that thing to the new house, are they?