Wednesday, March 26, 2008

What is fashionable??

Tonight I was reading in the Daily Walk Bible and the last part of the My Daily Walk section said:

When sin is fashionable Christians should be out of fashion.

I've been thinking a lot about fashion lately, mainly about making my own clothes. I don't always go with what is fashionable or in-style. I like to have my own style, but not stick out too far. I had actually just finished working on my motor jacket when I began reading my Bible. (Pics to come of the jacket.)

So when I read that sentence relating a walk with God to fashion it made sense to me. We don't need to fit in and conform to everyone else, we just have to live our lives for Him, no matter how unfashionable or un-cool other people may think we are. I'm going to try even harder to make sure I'm not just doing what others are doing because it's easy or in-style...and no this doesn't mean I'm going to loss all my cool fashion sense :)

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