Monday, November 3, 2008


It's so odd to hear a commercial these days that says "batteries are included," but I heard one tonight.

Ok lets see...Monday is usually blog about the Duggars night, but the first show tonight was lame and the second was a rerun I've seen 3 or 4 other times already. Tonight I watched Dancing with the Stars at 7, One Tree Hill at 8, and 17 Kids and Counting at 9. During that entire time I switched back and forth to The Notebook. Funny story me and my partner from Oral Interp were trying to come up with selections for our next presentation and we thought there might be something good in The Notebook, so I checked the book out. Then it come on tonight so now I don't have to reread the entire book because I found the parts I'm considering from watching the movie!

Tomorrow I enroll for the last time EVER!

I have a book addiction! The first step is admitting right?? :) Every time I go to the thrift store I find at least one "new" book to least it's a cheap addiction, but I'm running out of shelf space. My justification is that it's cheap, reading is educational, I can read them whenever and for however long it takes, instead of having to turn it back in to the library, and my latest reason is that I will have a ton of books for my kids to read when I homeschool in like 20 years (hopefully it won't really be that many years from now).

I want this library!

Anyway, that's my thoughts for the evening...I'm going to go finish reading One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest for my class.


Courtney said...

So what scene are you going to use from the Notebook?

I don't know if anyone told you, but I lost my job yesterday. I was fired for "asking too many questions and worrying too much about doing my work right". I had to ask questions so I WOULD do my work right. I think it was a bogus reason. I wasn't even allowed back to get my things, someone from the employment agency had to go pick up my things.

Pegs said...

you should check out this library instead