Sunday, November 9, 2008

I cried

I came home this weekend so I went to my home church this morning. I'm always running late for church and this weekend I forgot to bring home dress clothes or even a coat. So this morning I threw on some jeans, a t-shirt and the vest I made and grabbed my camo jacket. I walked into church and found out that today was the Veterans memorial service. My first thought was a sarcastic "great, people are going to think I wore camo trying to be cool for the veterans." My pastor began talking about people who sacrifice their time with family members to serve for our country. He was talking about WWII, the Korean conflict, Vietnam, and both Iraq wars; saying that there are people right now putting our country first to serve in Iraq. Putting themselves in harms way knowing that some of them will not return home. Tears were streaming down my face. This is the first time I've known someone on active duty. I'm just so thankful that God has continued to protect not only Jon but others in his group. At the end of the service I was proud I was wearing my camo in honor of those who wear it every day.

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