Friday, November 28, 2008

Long Overdue

Mary Ann posted this awhile back and I'm just now getting around to doing it...

The official rules declare that I must:
-Link to the person who tagged me (see above)
-Mention the rules (hello, this is rules)
-Reveal six quirky yet boring, mundane, banal and pedestrian facts about yourself
-Tag six other bloggers by linking to them (you're tagged...yep, you)
-Go to each of their blogs and leave a message letting them know they've been tagged!

Here goes:
-I planted some seeds in kindergarten and they grew into two trees (some kind of citrus). The trees have resided in the living room, mom and dad's room, and now in the laundry room.
-I like black furniture. My room now has a black nightstand, a black chair, black dresser, black bookcase, and a black fan.
-I'm currently collecting pieces about snow for my oral interpretation class (got any suggestions??)
-I've been keeping a "books to read" list since 2006 and there are hundreds of books on it
-When I worked for the library I checked out the Schoolhouse Rock DVDs and watched every single Schoolhouse Rock episode ever made and behind the scenes stuff
-I started my Christmas shopping in mid-October

Well, there you go...if you make your own list then let me know so I can read more about you :)

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