Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year...

...woopdi freakin' do.

I have never understood people fondness with a new year. People treat it like everything is going to change in the split second between one year and the next. It doesn't. The only thing that changes is the calender, one number, and the fiscal year for taxing.

I believe that the only real "new year" is when a season in your life changes. In my case it was a few months ago. That's when I sat down and wrote down a list of goals to work on between then and the end of '09. But these don't end right there. They include things like watch less television, stop drinking soda, exercise, read more classics, and submit some photos to a magazine. These aren't the type of goals that be reached and then forgotten about. It's a day to day thing. I think that is the problem with many resolutions. People resolve to lose __ pounds. Once said amount is reached they go back to all their old ways and the whole thing was pointless.

So...what am I trying to say with all this crap...not sure, so hold on. I guess my point is I think goals are way cooler then resolutions, the whole new year's thing is dumb, and when will they stop making the stupid number sunglasses??

Anyway, happy first of January...I love Dick Clark! :)


Very Mary said...

In defense of the hoopla, there is something to be said for celebrating the new year with a group of people who also feel that "change" can be accomplished during the next year. It's sorta electric and exciting! And I don't make resolutions, but I do like the hope that comes along with a new year - the hope of being a better human being, of accomplishing some of my goals, of enjoying that feeling of "new"...

Courtney said...

I'm kinda in the middle of your post and Very Mary's comment. I think some people put way too much into the celebration (ie. excuse to get falling down drunk) but to others it does gives the sense of the time to turn over a new leaf if they want (ie. the change that Mary mentioned).

For me, it brings a reality of getting married. Now that we are in the year (2009) that it will be happening it seems a little more real. If that isn't "new", I don't know what is. :)