Monday, May 5, 2008


A couple of weeks ago on the Thredbanger forum a girl did some lino stamps on fabric to make patches. It reminded me of the lino cut I made in art class in high school (a scaled down version of Starry Night). So yesterday I set out on a mission to find my old stamp. It took awhile, and actually ended up being in the first place I looked. Somehow I missed it the first time I looked there. After finding my lino cut I realized that one of the corners was cracked and about to fall off. I decided to mount it on a block of wood. My dad was nice enough to break out the saw and cut a piece to my specifications. It turned out pretty nice and I plan out putting a copy of the stamp on the back of the block as a label.

I did some practicing today to see if my sponge roller would work since I don't have a ink roller thing (a bryer??).

Here's a print I made today on a grocery sack. It's not perfect, but I still like it. I'm going to try it on fabric some other time...and probably use blue or green paint.


Mary-Catherine said...

Oh my gosh you hardly ever see lino stamps anymore! I used to do these all of the time, I think my mom still has the snowflake stamp I made when I was eight...If I knew where my ink roller was I would send it to you but I'm pretty sure it is somewhere in my mom and dad's house in Tennessee. Can't wait to see what you do with it on fabric!

Michele Kovack said...

This is so cool!!!