Monday, November 24, 2008

Lame attempt

Ok, so here is what's been happening. I auditioned for Cinderella and I didn't make it, neither did's ok though, we're going to be super busy making about 50 costumes.

I'm still addicted to Dr. Quinn.

Last Friday I did an oral interpretation presentation at the library with my class partner. There were 12 people there. It was a little scary (especially since the communication department chair was there) but we did good.

I've been practicing my macro photography (without a macro lens) so don't be alarmed by all the close up shoots...I actually am sparing you from many of them. You can check my flickr if you really want to see them.

Angela and I are trying to get geared up for the craft fair, but Angela was cool enough to take some time out to make me a neat acorn necklace like the one I saw here.

I don't remember if I mentioned on here or not that I sold a zipper bag on etsy last Sunday so...hey, I sold a zipper bag on etsy last Sunday :) Then I sold another hat this Sunday on etsy! And today I sold a hat to a friend. It was made from a pair of size 16 boys shorts I thrifted for $1.

Speaking of thrifting...after I went to the post office today to mail this package...

...I hit the thrift store and got this stuff for $2.35.

Not only did I mail something today, but I got mail! I love getting mail! Mary Ann is a sweetheart and sent me some little notebooks she made :)

And now I have to write a of like five in the the next two weeks :(

1 comment:

Margie Oomen said...

Hi Whitney, Angela did a great job and what a lovely color of thread she chose. Congratulations on your recent sales on etsy and thanks for stopping by my blog.